I believe that a blog can be used to inspire people and sometimes even give an mindtrip - weather it may be to do something completely new or to challenge previous/older point of views.
Me? I am writing here for fun on a basic level. As I write this, I have no ambition/pressure to write so-and-so many posts a week or set up any boundaries in what to write about. In the beginning however, it will be focused towards the outdoors/wildlife and prepping-scene. With experiences from being/working as a wildlife ranger in Africa, military service and a long history of enjoying being outdoors I have some rudimentary knowledge and perspectives in this field - but I am far fully thought and always enjoy constructive criticism to learn more as well as to update/hone my own skills and knowledge.
There are many good writers out there, but I hope to bring my own focus on explaining why ("Y") I choose or think something is good/less good.
Like everybody else, I have a life with lots of experiences, chosen paths and beliefs. But sometimes I play "devil´s advocate" to push people (and myself) into getting an alternative perspective on things.
In light of the fact that some extremists sometimes chose to interpret texts or views in their own way - I would therefor underline that no matter topic or discussion:
- I do NOT condone breaking any laws or regulations (local or international) as a result from the texts and/or pictures in this blog.
- I do NOT condone for someone to take any personal risks without proper training with equipment or procedures discussed or mentioned in the texts and/or pictures in this blog.
- I do NOT condone any act of violence, mistreatment or showing disrespectfulness to any living being - human or animal that is said to be caused directly/indirectly from the texts and/or pictures in this blog.
Take care and be safe!
- Roquen
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